Dignum Memoria: For a full Description of Film Stock available on Look Designer 2.6, go to this article https://help.colourlab.ai/help/look-designer-film-stock-profiles
1. Negative Stock
Look Designer 2.6 allows you to add to your look a large amount of Film Negative Stock emulation. To choose your Negative, first of all, go to the Negative drop-down menu and select if you wanna load Negative Stock, Major, or Minor.
After choosing which negative you want to give vent to your creativity with, go to the corresponding drop-down menu and select your stock.
We advise you to try and play with them all, to find the one that best suits your look from time to time.
The Negative Intensity slider allows you can control the amount of Negative Stock you want to apply to your image.
1.1 Lists of Negative Stock, Major and Minor available on Look designer 2.6
Negative Stock:
Agfa XT 125
Fuji Eterna 8543 Vivid
Fuji Eterna 8553
Fuji Eterna 8583
Fuji Reala 8592
Kodak 5203 Vision 3 50D
Kodak 5207 Vision 3
Kodak 5213 Vision 3
Kodak 5219 Vision 3 500T
Kodak 7207 Vision 3
Kodak 7213 Vision 3
Kodak Ektachrome 7294 Reversal
Kodak Kodachrome 40 7268
Major G
Major G Sharp
Major F
Major E
Major D
Major C
Major C Sharp
Major B
Major A
Major A Sharp
Minor A
Minor A Sharp
Minor B
Minor C
Minor C Sharp
Minor D
Minor E
Minor F
Minor G
2. Print Stock
In the Print drop-down menu, you can choose what type of emulation of Print Stock you want to use.
The Print Intensity slider allows you can control the amount of Print Stock you want to apply to your image
2.1 Lists of Print Stock available on Look designer 2.6
Print Stock:
Kodak 2383 Average
Kodak 2383 Classic
Kodak 2383 Modern
Kodak 2383 Old School
Kodak 2383 by MPF
Kodak 2393
Kodak Vision Color Print 2393
Kodak Vision Color Print 2383
Fuji CP 3510
Fuji 3510 Gen2
Fuji Eterna CI 8503
Fuji 8503 DI Gen 2
Fuji Eterna DI Japan
CI 500D Gen 1
3. Neutral Density Point remains constant
When you apply one of the Negative Stock and /or Print Stock available on Look designer 2.3, these stocks fit the Neutral Density Point of our Digital Stock without changing it.
Neutral Density Point is exactly 400 on our Scopes (Parade and Waveform)
Changing Negative Stock and/or Print stock you can change color and you can see changes in the curves on Top and Bottom, but the Neutral Density Point remains intact and completely constant.
We hope this tutorial has been helpful to you.
If you have other questions please contact